Order Code 5BETH Factor V Bethesda Units, Plasma
Ordering Guidance
If type of inhibitor is unknown, order APROL / Prolonged Clot Time Profile, Plasma.
Specimen Required
Only orderable as a reflex. For more information see:
-ALUPP / Lupus Anticoagulant Profile, Plasma
-ALBLD / Bleeding Diathesis Profile, Limited, Plasma
-APROL / Prolonged Clot Time Profile, Plasma
-5INHE / Factor V Inhibitor Evaluation, Plasma
Useful For
Detecting and quantifying the presence and titer of a specific factor inhibitor directed against coagulation factor V
Method Name
-ALUPP / Lupus Anticoagulant Profile, Plasma
-ALBLD / Bleeding Diathesis Profile, Limited, Plasma
-ACBL / Bleeding Diathesis Profile, Comprehensive, Plasma
-APROL / Prolonged Clot Time Profile, Plasma
-5INHE / Factor V Inhibitor Evaluation, Plasma
Optical Clot-Based
Reporting Name
FV Bethesda Units, PSpecimen Type
Plasma Na CitSpecimen Stability Information
Specimen Type | Temperature | Time | Special Container |
Plasma Na Cit | Frozen | 14 days |
Reject Due To
Gross hemolysis | Reject |
Gross lipemia | Reject |
Gross icterus | Reject |
Reference Values
Only orderable as a reflex. For more information see:
-ALUPP / Lupus Anticoagulant Profile, Plasma
-ALBLD / Bleeding Diathesis Profile, Limited, Plasma
-ACBL / Bleeding Diathesis Profile, Comprehensive, Plasma
-APROL / Prolonged Clot Time Profile, Plasma
-5INHE / Factor V Inhibitor Evaluation, Plasma
≤0.5 Bethesda Units
Method Description
Heat inactivated patient plasma, undiluted and serially diluted, is mixed with an equal volume of normal pooled plasma (NPP). The NPP supplies the factor against which the inhibitor is directed in a known concentration. The patient plasma mixtures, along with a control (Bethesda Pool) of diluted NPP are incubated at 37° C for 2 hours, after which factor activity is measured. The factor activity in the undiluted patient and its serial dilutions are compared to the factor activity recovered in the Bethesda Pool. These values are then used to calculate Bethesda units. One Bethesda unit is defined as the amount of antibody that will destroy 50% of the coagulation factor activity in 2 hours.( Owen CA Jr, Bowie EJW, Thompson JH Jr: Diagnosis of Bleeding Disorders. 2nd ed. Little, Brown and Company; 1975; Meijer P, Verbruggen HW, Spannagi M: Clotting factors and inhibitors: Assays and interpretation. In: Kottke-Marchant K, ed. Laboratory Hematology Practice. Wiley Blackwell Publishing; 2012:435-446)
Day(s) Performed
Monday through Friday
Performing Laboratory

CPT Code Information