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Tests Beginning with K 15 entries

LABKELL  Kell Antigen  - Lab Use Only Ridgeview Medical Center Laboratory
LAB600  Ketone Bodies (Acetone) (Beta-Hydroxybutyrate) Ridgeview Medical Center Laboratories
KI67B  Ki-67(MIB-1), Breast, Quantitative Immunohistochemistry, Automated Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
KIBM  Ki-67(MIB-1), Breast, Semi-Quantitative Immunohistochemistry, Manual Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
KINET  Ki-67(MIB-1), Gastrointestinal/Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors, Quantitative Immunohistochemistry, Automated Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
KINM  Ki-67(MIB-1), Gastrointestinal/Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors, Quantitative Immunohistochemistry, Manual Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
LABKIDST  Kidney Stone Analysis Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
KKBRP  Kingella kingae, Molecular Detection, PCR, Blood Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
KKRP  Kingella kingae, Molecular Detection, PCR, Varies Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
KITQ  KIT p.Asp816Val Variant Analysis, Quantitative, Varies Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
XYMF  Known 45,X, Mosaicism Reflex Analysis, FISH, Whole Blood Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
LAB6901  KOH for Fungal Elements Ridgeview Medical Center Laboratories
KD2T  Krabbe Disease Second-Tier Newborn Screen, Blood Spot Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
KRABZ  Krabbe Disease, Full Gene Analysis and Large (30 kb) Deletion, Varies Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester
KRASW  KRAS Somatic Mutation Analysis, Peritoneal Fluid Mayo Clinic Laboratories in Rochester