Order Code EM Electron Microscopy, Varies
Ordering Guidance
Tumor biopsies are only accepted as part of a pathology consultation, order PATHC / Pathology Consultation.
For nontumorous renal specimens, order RPCWT / Renal Pathology Consultation, Wet Tissue.
For platelet disorders, order PTEM / Platelet Transmission Electron Microscopic Study, Whole Blood.
For muscle specimens, order MBX / Muscle Pathology Consultation.
For CADASIL (cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy) genetic testing, order NTC3Z / NOTCH3 Gene, Full Gene Analysis, Varies.
For cardiac specimens, order ANPAT / Anatomic Pathology Consultation, Wet Tissue.
For neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (NCL) testing, see NCLW / Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis, Two-Enzyme Panel, Leukocytes or NCLGP / Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (Batten Disease) Gene Panel, Varies
Shipping Instructions
Whole blood specimens must arrive within 48 hours of collection.
Necessary Information
Failure to supply the following documentation will result in a testing delay:
1. Completed Electron Microscopy Patient Information must be submitted with each specimen.
2. Tissue source and reason for electron microscopy must be indicated for testing to be performed.
Specimen Required
Specimen Type: Fixed wet tissue
Supplies: Electron Microscopy Kit (T660)
Container/Tube: Electron Microscopy Kit or leak-proof container
Specimen Volume: Entire specimen
Collection Instructions: Collect specimen according to the instructions in Electron Microscopy Procedures of Handling Specimens for Electron Microscopy. Do not place on ice, dry ice, or freeze.
Additional Information:
1. PATHC / Pathology Consultation may be added if deemed necessary by the reviewing pathologist.
2. Liver/gastrointestinal and hair shaft specimens are not acceptable. Testing will be canceled if one of these specimen types is received.
For neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (NCL) testing only
Specimen Type: Whole blood
Container/Tube: Green top (sodium heparin) or yellow top (ACD solution B)
Specimen Volume: 5 mL
Collection Instructions: Send whole blood specimen in original tube. Do not aliquot.
Additional Information: If test indication is for NCL, whole blood may be submitted in lieu of fixed wet tissue. This is only applicable for a presumptive diagnosis of NCL; whole blood specimens submitted for any other reason will be rejected.
1. Electron Microscopy Patient Information is required.
2. Electron Microscopy Procedures of Handling Specimens for Electron Microscopy
3. Pathology/Cytology Information (T707)
Useful For
Providing information to aid in the diagnosis of medical disorders such as storage diseases, CADASIL (cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy), and primary ciliary dyskinesia
Special Instructions
Method Name
Electron Microscopy
Reporting Name
Electron MicroscopySpecimen Type
EMSpecimen Minimum Volume
See Specimen Required
Specimen Stability Information
Specimen Type | Temperature | Time | Special Container |
EM | Ambient (preferred) | ||
Refrigerated |
Reject Due To
Muscle tissue Fat pads Hair shaft Liver/gastrointestinal tissue |
Reject |
Reference Values
An interpretive report will be provided.
Method Description
The fixed tissues received are postfixed and stained in osmium tetroxide, dehydrated, and embedded in epoxy resin. Resin blocks are trimmed and semithin (1-micron) survey sections stained with toluidine blue are viewed using a light microscope. Blocks of interest are retrimmed, and the area for observation is then ultrathin sectioned, placed on copper mesh grids, and stained with lead citrate. The sections are examined with a transmission electron microscope operated at an appropriate kV. Images are digitally captured and stored electronically.(Winey M, Meehl JB, O'Toole ET, Giddings TH Jr. Conventional transmission electron microscopy. Mol Biol Cell. 2014;25(3):319-23. doi:10.1091/mbc.E12-12-0863)
Day(s) Performed
Monday through Friday
Performing Laboratory

CPT Code Information