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Mayo Clinic Laboratories

Order Code LABPNFLOWM Park Nicollet Flow Cytometry, Bone Marrow

Important Note

Test is appropriate to send to Park Nicollet Methodist Hospital M-F, 5am-3pm, while histology staff are on site.Test is entered into client portal by Histo techs.

After hours, weekends and holidays, use EPIC test code LABLCMS and send to Mayo.

Specimen Requirements

Bone marrow procedure may be performed at Ridgeview Medical Center. Call 952-442-2191, extension 5600 to schedule procedure or to obtain detailed specimen collection instructions.


  1. Prepare Patient for collection per protocol necessary.
  2. Communicate with Pathology on any special timing for collection or special handling.

Routine specimens for Pathology:

  • Submit specimen  ACD- Pale yellow top tube. The container lid must be securely tightened to prevent leakage and must be transported in a Bio-Hazard bag.
  1. Label the specimen container with EPIC patient label and EPIC collection process completed.

Reference Values

The laboratory will provide an interpretive report.

Day(s) Test Set Up

Monday through Friday

Performing Laboratory

Methodist Hospital Laboratory


Includes tissue processing, hematoxylin-and-eosin stain, and additional stains if necessary for interpretation. A pathology consultation is also included and is charged separately.

Test Classification and CPT Coding